
Natural Homemade Remedies for Dry Skin on Face

Why homemade recipes for dry skin? Because they are fast, easy, natural, cheap and very fresh! They often are better than skin care products we buy and we just often misundertand that expensive cream doesn't mean it's better than something we can prepare at home. Enjoy homemade remedies for dry skin on face and soon you will see it's really worth your attention. Go to any website that offers skin care reviews and take a look on reviews on 200$ skin care creams, customers are often not happy with the product, that's why it's recommended to prepare your own remedies for dry skin at home! Even if it happens you will be not happy with the effect, for sure it will not cost you 200 dollars and still you will have some fun, don't you think? You never know what ingredients products offer (even if they provide the list of ingredients, you will never check it!), and here you have some natural cures for dry skin, it's given to you so why not to try homemade natural remedies for dry skin?

Natural Recipes for Dry Skin

Flax seed mask
Pour a glass of water over a teaspoon of flax seed and cook to make thick pulp. Cool until it reaches room temperature. Put gauze moistened in toner on your face, put pulp on the gauze, take off after about 20 minutes. Wash the leavings with toner. This mask softens the epidermis, makes skin elastic, soothes irritations. You will need help to put it on your face.
Dry and sensitive skin mask
Mix three bags of camomile and a spoon of ground sage with boiling water. Add a few drops of vitamin A+E, cool until it reaches room temperature. Put gauze moistened in toner on your face, put pulp on the gauze, take off after about 20 minutes. Wash the leavings with toner.
Dry or normal skin mask
Mix a spoon of grated carrot with one yolk and a teaspoon of cottage cheese. Add a few drops of vitamin A+E. put on the face, wash after 20 minutes, treat face with toner.
Fruit mask (for the summer season)
Rub three big strawberries and a few raspberries, add on teaspoon of fresh cream. Put on face and neck. Wash after 15 minutes.
Attention! It may cause allergy, so put some mask behind your ear or in arm bending before using it.

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