
Domestic violence against men: Know the signs

Domestic violence against men isn't always easy to identify, but it can be a serious threat. Know how to recognize if you're being abused — and how to get help. Women aren't the only victims of domestic violence. Understand the signs of domestic violence against men, and know how to get help.

Recognize domestic violence against men

Domestic violence — also known as domestic abuse, battering or intimate partner violence — occurs
between people in an intimate relationship. Domestic violence against men can take many forms, including emotional, sexual and physical abuse and threats of abuse. It can happen in heterosexual or same sex relationships.
It might not be easy to recognize domestic violence against men. Early in the relationship, your partner might seem attentive, generous and protective in ways that later turn out to be controlling and frightening. Initially, the abuse might appear as isolated incidents. Your partner might apologize and promise not to abuse you again.
In other relationships, domestic violence against men might include both partners slapping or shoving each other when they get angry — and neither partner seeing himself or herself as being abused or controlled. This type of violence, however, can still devastate a relationship, causing both physical and emotional damage.
You might be experiencing domestic violence if your partner:
  • Calls you names, insults you or puts you down
  • Prevents you from going to work or school
  • Stops you from seeing family members or friends
  • Tries to control how you spend money, where you go or what you wear
  • Acts jealous or possessive or constantly accuses you of being unfaithful
  • Gets angry when drinking alcohol or using drugs
  • Threatens you with violence or a weapon
  • Hits, kicks, shoves, slaps, chokes or otherwise hurts you, your children or your pets
  • Assaults you while you're sleeping, you've been drinking or you're not paying attention to make up for a difference in strength
  • Forces you to have sex or engage in sexual acts against your will
  • Blames you for his or her violent behavior or tells you that you deserve it
  • Portrays the violence as mutual and consensual
If you're gay, bisexual or transgender, you might also be experiencing domestic violence if you're in a relationship with someone who:
  • Threatens to tell friends, family, colleagues or community members your sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Tells you that authorities won't help a gay, bisexual or transgender person
  • Tells you that leaving the relationship means you're admitting that gay, bisexual or transgender relationships are deviant
  • Justifies abuse by telling you that you're not "really" gay, bisexual or transgender
  • Says that men are naturally violent

Children and abuse

Domestic violence affects children, even if they're just witnesses. If you have children, remember that exposure to domestic violence puts them at risk of developmental problems, psychiatric disorders, problems at school, aggressive behavior and low self-esteem. You might worry that seeking help could further endanger you and your children, or that it might break up your family. Fathers might fear that abusive partners will try to take their children away from them. However, getting help is the best way to protect your children — and yourself.

Break the cycle

If you're in an abusive situation, you might recognize this pattern:
  • Your abuser threatens violence.
  • Your abuser strikes you.
  • Your abuser apologizes, promises to change and offers gifts.
  • The cycle repeats itself.
Typically the violence becomes more frequent and severe over time.
Domestic violence can leave you depressed and anxious. You might be more likely to abuse alcohol or drugs or engage in unprotected sex. Domestic violence can even trigger suicide attempts. Because men are traditionally thought to be physically stronger than women, you might be less likely to talk about or report incidents of domestic violence in your heterosexual relationship due to embarrassment or fear of ridicule. You might also worry that the significance of the abuse will be minimized because you're a man. Similarly, a man being abused by another man might be reluctant to talk about the problem because of how it reflects on his masculinity or because it exposes his sexual orientation. Additionally, if you seek help, you might confront a shortage of resources for male victims of domestic violence. Health care providers and other contacts might not think to ask if your injuries were caused by domestic violence, making it harder to open up about abuse. You might also fear that if you talk to someone about the abuse, you'll be accused of wrongdoing yourself. Remember, though, if you're being abused, you aren't to blame — and help is available.
Start by telling someone about the abuse, whether it's a friend, relative, health care provider or other close contact. At first, you might find it hard to talk about the abuse. However, you'll also likely feel relief and receive much-needed support.

Leaving an abuser can be dangerous. Consider taking these precautions:
  • Call a domestic violence hotline for advice. Make the call at a safe time — when the abuser isn't around — or from a friend's house or other safe location.
  • Pack an emergency bag that includes items you'll need when you leave, such as extra clothes and keys. Leave the bag in a safe place. Keep important personal papers, money and prescription medications handy so that you can take them with you on short notice.
  • Know exactly where you'll go and how you'll get there.

Protect your communication and location

An abuser can use technology to monitor your telephone and online communication and to track your physical location. If you're concerned for your safety, seek help. To maintain your privacy:
  • Use phones cautiously. Your abuser might intercept calls and listen to your conversations. He or she might use caller ID, check your cellphone or search your phone billing records to see your complete call and texting history.
  • Use your home computer cautiously. Your abuser might use spyware to monitor your emails and the websites you visit. Consider using a computer at work, at the library or at a friend's house to seek help.
  • Remove GPS devices from your vehicle. Your abuser might use a GPS device to pinpoint your location.
  • Frequently change your email password. Choose a password that would be impossible for your abuser to guess.
  • Clear your viewing history. Follow your browser's instructions to clear any record of websites or graphics you've viewed.

Where to seek help

In an emergency, call 911 — or your local emergency number or law enforcement agency. The following resources also can help:
  • Someone you trust. Turn to a friend, relative, neighbor, co-worker or religious or spiritual adviser for support.
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-SAFE or 800-799-7233. The hotline provides crisis intervention and referrals to resources.
  • Your health care provider. Doctors and nurses will treat injuries and can refer you to other local resources.
  • A counseling or mental health center. Counseling and support groups for people in abusive relationships are available in most communities.
  • A local court. Your district court can help you obtain a restraining order that legally mandates the abuser to stay away from you or face arrest. Local advocates may be available to help guide you through the process.
Domestic violence against men can have devastating effects. Although you may not be able to stop your partner's abusive behavior, you can seek help. Remember, no one deserves to be abused.

Forgiveness: Letting go of grudges and bitterness

When someone you care about hurts you, you can hold on to anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge — or embrace forgiveness and move forward.

Nearly everyone has been hurt by the actions or words of another. Perhaps your mother criticized your parenting skills, your colleague sabotaged a project or your partner had an affair. These wounds can leave you with lasting feelings of anger, bitterness or even vengeance — but if you don't practice forgiveness, you might be the one who pays most dearly. By embracing forgiveness, you can also embrace peace, hope, gratitude and joy. Consider how forgiveness can lead you down the path of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

What is forgiveness?

Generally, forgiveness is a decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge. The act that hurt or offended you might always remain a part of your life, but forgiveness can lessen its grip on you and help you focus on other, positive parts of your life. Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you.
Forgiveness doesn't mean that you deny the other person's responsibility for hurting you, and it doesn't minimize or justify the wrong. You can forgive the person without excusing the act. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life.

What are the benefits of forgiving someone?

Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for compassion, kindness and peace. Forgiveness can lead to:
  • Healthier relationships
  • Greater spiritual and psychological well-being
  • Less anxiety, stress and hostility
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Fewer symptoms of depression
  • Lower risk of alcohol and substance abuse

Why is it so easy to hold a grudge?

When you're hurt by someone you love and trust, you might become angry, sad or confused. If you dwell on hurtful events or situations, grudges filled with resentment, vengeance and hostility can take root. If you allow negative feelings to crowd out positive feelings, you might find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice.

What are the effects of holding a grudge?

If you're unforgiving, you might pay the price repeatedly by bringing anger and bitterness into every relationship and new experience. Your life might become so wrapped up in the wrong that you can't enjoy the present. You might become depressed or anxious. You might feel that your life lacks meaning or purpose, or that you're at odds with your spiritual beliefs. You might lose valuable and enriching connectedness with others.

How do I reach a state of forgiveness?

Forgiveness is a commitment to a process of change. To begin, you might:
  • Consider the value of forgiveness and its importance in your life at a given time
  • Reflect on the facts of the situation, how you've reacted, and how this combination has affected your life, health and well-being
  • When you're ready, actively choose to forgive the person who's offended you
  • Move away from your role as victim and release the control and power the offending person and situation have had in your life
As you let go of grudges, you'll no longer define your life by how you've been hurt. You might even find compassion and understanding.

Forgiveness can be challenging, especially if the person who's hurt you doesn't admit wrong or doesn't speak of his or her sorrow. If you find yourself stuck, consider the situation from the other person's point of view. Ask yourself why he or she would behave in such a way. Perhaps you would have reacted similarly if you faced the same situation. In addition, consider broadening your view of the world. Expect occasional imperfections from the people in your life. You might want to reflect on times you've hurt others and on those who've forgiven you. It can also be helpful to write in a journal, pray or use guided meditation — or talk with a person you've found to be wise and compassionate, such as a spiritual leader, a mental health provider, or an impartial loved one or friend.

Does forgiveness guarantee reconciliation?

If the hurtful event involved someone whose relationship you otherwise value, forgiveness can lead to reconciliation. This isn't always the case, however. Reconciliation might be impossible if the offender has died or is unwilling to communicate with you. In other cases, reconciliation might not be appropriate. Still, forgiveness is possible — even if reconciliation isn't.

What if I have to interact with the person who hurt me but I don't want to?

If you haven't reached a state of forgiveness, being near the person who hurt you might be tense and stressful. To handle these situations, remember that you can choose to attend or avoid specific functions and gatherings. Respect yourself and do what seems best. If you choose to attend, don't be surprised by a certain amount of awkwardness and perhaps even more intense feelings. Do your best to keep an open heart and mind. You might find that the experience helps you to move forward with forgiveness.

What if the person I'm forgiving doesn't change?

Getting another person to change his or her actions, behavior or words isn't the point of forgiveness. Think of forgiveness more about how it can change your life — by bringing you peace, happiness, and emotional and spiritual healing. Forgiveness can take away the power the other person continues to wield in your life.

What if I'm the one who needs forgiveness?

The first step is to honestly assess and acknowledge the wrongs you've done and how those wrongs have affected others. At the same time, avoid judging yourself too harshly. You're human, and you'll make mistakes. If you're truly sorry for something you've said or done, consider admitting it to those you've harmed. Speak of your sincere sorrow or regret, and specifically ask for forgiveness — without making excuses. Remember, however, you can't force someone to forgive you. Others need to move to forgiveness in their own time. Whatever the outcome, commit to treating others with compassion, empathy and respect.

Best sunscreen: Understand sunscreen options

Photo of Lawrence E. Gibson, M.D.The best sunscreen is one that you'll use generously and according to label directions. Here's help understanding sunscreen ingredients, types of sunscreen and more.

Confused about the best sunscreen to use? Wondering whether sunscreen can be harmful? Lawrence Gibson, M.D., a dermatologist at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., offers his guidance.
Lawrence E. Gibson, M.D.

What's the best way to sort through information about sunscreens?

Start by remembering the bigger picture when it comes to sun safety and what you can do to protect
yourself. For example:
  • Avoid the sun during peak hours. Generally, this is between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. — regardless of season. These are prime hours for exposure to skin-damaging ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, even on overcast days.
  • Wear protective clothing. This includes pants, shirts with long sleeves and sunglasses. Top it off with a wide-brimmed hat. Also, consider investing in sun-protective clothing or using an umbrella for shade.
  • Use sunscreen. Apply sunscreen generously and reapply regularly.

Is there any truth to the claim that sunscreen use encourages excessive sun exposure and, as a result, increases the risk of skin cancer?

Most experts strongly disagree with this claim. Research also hasn't shown a link between sunscreen use and an increase in the risk of skin cancer. On the other hand, research has shown that use of sunscreen can reduce the risk of melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer.

What does a broad-spectrum sunscreen do?

There are two types of UV light that can harm your skin — UVA and UVB. A broad-spectrum, or full-spectrum, sunscreen is designed to protect you from both.
UVA rays can prematurely age your skin, causing wrinkling and age spots. UVB rays can burn your skin. Too much exposure to UVA or UVB rays can cause skin cancer. The best sunscreen offers protection from all UV light.

Does the best sunscreen also have the highest SPF?

SPF stands for sun protection factor, which is a measure of how well the sunscreen deflects UVB rays. Manufacturers calculate SPF based on how long it takes to sunburn skin that's been treated with the sunscreen as compared with skin that hasn't been treated with sunscreen.
Theoretically, the best sunscreen has the highest SPF number. It's not that simple, however. When applied correctly, a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 will provide slightly more protection from UVB rays than does a sunscreen with an SPF of 15. But the SPF 30 product isn't twice as protective as the SPF 15 product. Sunscreens with SPFs greater than 50 provide only a small increase in UVB protection.
Also, keep in mind that sunscreen is often not applied thoroughly or thickly enough, and it might be washed off during swimming or sweating. As a result, even the best sunscreen might be less effective than the SPF number on the bottle would lead you to believe.
Rather than looking at a sunscreen's SPF, choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that will protect you from UVA and UVB rays.

Sunscreens contain filters that reflect or absorb UV rays. There are two main types of sunscreens:
  • Organic. Also called chemical sunscreens, organic sunscreens absorb UV radiation and convert it to a small amount of heat. This group of active ingredients is the most widely used in sunscreens. Organic sunscreens might contain avobenzone, cinoxate, ecamsule, menthyl anthranilate, octyl methoxycinnamate, octyl salicylate, oxybenzone or sulisobenzone.
  • Inorganic. Also called physical sunscreens, inorganic sunscreens reflect and scatter UV radiation. Inorganic sunscreens might contain titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. Most broad-spectrum sunscreens use both ingredients to better block UVA and UVB rays.
Sunscreens also might contain:
  • Vitamins. Vitamin E can protect against UV-induced DNA damage. Vitamin C helps protect skin from sunburn.
  • Insect repellent. Keep in mind that it's typically recommended that insect repellent be applied no more often than every six hours. When using this type of combination product, reapply a sunscreen without insect repellent after two hours outdoors or after swimming or heavily sweating.
Some sunscreens also contain the antioxidant retinyl palmitate, a form of vitamin A or retinol. Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals — unstable oxygen molecules that break down skin cells and cause wrinkles. While concerns have been raised about sunscreens containing retinyl palmitate, research currently suggests it's safe. However, recommendations regarding safety for use during pregnancy aren't available. If you're concerned, consider avoiding sunscreens containing this ingredient during pregnancy.

Are some brands of sunscreen better than others?

Brand matters less than how you use the product. In general, look for water-resistant, broad-spectrum coverage with an SPF of at least 15. Check the sunscreen's expiration date, and follow the directions on the label.
Also, keep in mind that labeling guidelines for sunscreen in the United States are changing. Under new Food and Drug Administration guidelines:
  • Only sunscreens that offer protection from both UVA and UVB rays can advertise broad-spectrum coverage on the label.
  • Only broad-spectrum sunscreens with an SPF of 15 or higher can claim to reduce the risk of skin cancer or prevent early skin aging.
  • Any claims about reducing the risk of skin cancer or early skin aging must be accompanied by other sun protection measures, such as wearing protective clothing and avoiding midday sun.
  • Sunscreens with an SPF of at least 2 but less than 15 can advertise protection from sunburn only — not protection from skin cancer or early skin aging.
  • Sunscreens can't be advertised as sweatproof or waterproof.
  • Sunscreens that pass a water resistance test can be labeled "water resistant" for either 40 or 80 minutes, as long as they also include instructions to reapply after 40 or 80 minutes of swimming or sweating, immediately after towel drying and at least every two hours.
Ultimately, it's important to find a sunscreen you like. If you don't care for the sunscreen, you're not as likely to use it consistently.

Should I use a spray sunscreen or a lotion?

The kind of sunscreen you use is up to you. However, certain types of sunscreen work best on specific areas of the body. If you have dry skin, you might prefer a cream — especially for your face. A gel or spray might work better for areas covered with hair, such as the scalp or a man's chest. Parents often prefer sprays because they're easy to apply on children. When using spray sunscreen, be sure to apply a generous and even coating. Avoid inhaling the product.

Do I need to apply sunscreen even if I wear cosmetics that contain sunscreen?

It depends on how much time you'll be spending in the sun. If you wear cosmetics that contain sunscreen, such as moisturizer, foundation or lipstick, you'll need to reapply them every two hours when outside or also apply a separate sunscreen.
If you won't be spending much time outdoors and you don't wash your face or heavily sweat during the day, it's OK to apply a moisturizer containing sunscreen just once in the morning.

What else is important to remember about using sunscreen?

When you use sunscreen:
  • Apply generous amounts of sunscreen to dry skin 30 minutes before you go outdoors.
  • Use sunscreen on all skin surfaces that will be exposed to sun, such as your face, ears, hands, arms and lips. If you don't have much hair on your head, apply sunscreen to the top of your head or wear a hat.
  • Reapply sunscreen every two hours — and immediately after swimming or heavy sweating.
  • Remember that sand, water, snow and concrete reflect sunlight and make it even more important to use sunscreen.
  • Since UV light can pass through clouds, use sunscreen even when it's cloudy.
You can apply sunscreen to children as young as age 6 months. Keep younger children in the shade as much as possible.
Use sunscreen year-round, but don't let any product lull you into a false sense of security about sun exposure. A combination of shade, clothing, sunscreen and common sense is your best bet.

Infidelity: Mending your marriage after an affair

Infidelity causes intense emotional pain, but an affair doesn't have to mean the end of your marriage. Understand how a marriage can be rebuilt after an affair.

Few marital problems cause as much heartache and devastation as infidelity. Money worries, health issues and disagreements about children can strain a relationship — but infidelity undermines the foundation of marriage itself. Divorce isn't necessarily inevitable after infidelity, however. With time to heal and a mutual goal of rebuilding the relationship, some couples can emerge from infidelity with a stronger and more intimate relationship.

Defining infidelity

Infidelity isn't a single, clearly defined situation — and what's considered infidelity varies among couples and even between partners in a relationship. For example, is an emotional connection without physical intimacy considered infidelity? What about online relationships?
Keep in mind that affairs are largely fantasies. The person outside of the marriage is often idealized and seen as an escape from real problems.

Why affairs happen

Many factors can contribute to infidelity, some of which aren't fundamentally about sex. Some factors stem from individual problems, such as low self-esteem, alcoholism or sexual addiction. Marital problems that have been building for years can also fuel an affair. Generally, a person who's having an affair:
  • Experiences sexual attraction to someone other than his or her partner and decides to act on this feeling rather than suppress it
  • Keeps the affair going in secret by resorting to lies and deception
  • Confides in someone other than his or her partner about his or her marital problems
  • Feels a stronger emotional connection in a romantic way to someone other than his or her marital partner
  • Develops unrealistic fantasies about someone other than his or her partner, and doesn't listen to information to the contrary 

The initial discovery of an affair usually triggers powerful emotions for both partners — shock, rage, betrayal, shame, depression, guilt, remorse. At this point, it's important to proceed with caution:
  • Don't make rash decisions. If you think you might physically hurt yourself or someone else, seek professional help immediately.
  • Give each other space. The discovery of an affair can be intense. You might find yourself acting erratically or unlike yourself as you attempt to grasp what has happened. Take a "timeout" when emotions are running high.
  • Seek support. Share your feelings with trusted friends or loved ones, or talk to a spiritual leader or counselor. Objective, nonjudgmental support can help you process what you're feeling.
  • Take your time. Avoid delving into the intimate details of the affair right away. While you might share simple facts upfront, consider waiting to discuss more-complex issues — such as motivation — until you're further along in the healing process.

Mending a broken marriage

Recovering from an affair is a difficult and lengthy process. Still, it's possible for a marriage to survive — and even improve — after an affair. Consider these steps to promote healing:
  • Don't decide. Before choosing to continue or end your marriage, take the time to heal and understand what was behind the affair. Learn the lessons that might prevent future problems.
  • Be accountable. If you were unfaithful, take responsibility for your actions. End the affair, and stop all interaction or communication with the person. If the affair involved a co-worker, limit contact strictly to business, or get another job.
  • Be honest. Once the initial shock is over, discuss what happened openly and honestly — no matter how difficult talking or hearing about the affair might be.
  • Consider shared goals. It might take time to sort out what's happened and to consider whether your relationship can heal. If you share a goal of reconciliation, realize that healing the marriage will take time, energy and commitment.
  • Consult a marriage counselor. Seek help from a licensed therapist who is specifically trained in marital therapy and experienced in dealing with infidelity. Marriage counseling can help you put the affair into perspective, identify issues that might have contributed to the affair, learn how to rebuild and strengthen your relationship, and avoid divorce — if that's the mutual goal. Consider asking your counselor to recommend reading material on the subject, too.
  • Restore trust. Go to counseling together to confirm your commitment to the marriage and to prevent secrecy from continuing to erode your relationship. If you were unfaithful, you might be anxious to put the affair behind you and move forward — but it's important to let your partner set his or her own timetable for recovery.
  • Forgive. Infidelity is emotionally devastating. Forgiveness isn't likely to come quickly or easily, but it can become easier over time. Keep in mind that forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting or discounting what happened.

Moving forward

Not every marriage affected by infidelity can — or should — be saved. Sometimes too much damage has been done or reconciliation remains elusive.
If you do choose to rebuild your marriage, focus on rebuilding trust. Talk about your fears with your partner — whether you're afraid of being betrayed or never being trusted again. Share your feelings, listen to each other and reset your marital boundaries.
If both of you are committed to rebuilding your relationship and you have the strength and determination for the task, the reward can be a partnership that grows in depth, honesty and intimacy.

Empty nest syndrome: Tips for coping

Worried about empty nest syndrome? Find out how an empty nest can affect parents, what you can do to prepare for the transition and how to cope. If your last child is all grown up and about to leave home — or he or she has already moved out — you might be experiencing some mixed emotions. Understand why empty nest syndrome happens and what you can do about it.

What's empty nest syndrome and why do some parents experience it?

Empty nest syndrome isn't a clinical diagnosis. Instead, empty nest syndrome is a phenomenon in which parents experience feelings of sadness and loss when the last child leaves home.

Although you might actively encourage your children to become independent, the experience of letting go can be painful. You might find it difficult to suddenly have no children at home who need your care. You might miss being a part of your children's daily lives — as well as the constant companionship. You might also worry intensely about your children's safety and whether they'll be able to take care of themselves on their own. You might struggle with the transition if your last child leaves the nest a little earlier or later than you expected — or at a time different from when you did. If you have only one child or strongly identify with your role as parent, you might have a particularly difficult time adjusting to an empty nest.

What's the impact of empty nest syndrome?

In the past, research suggested that parents dealing with empty nest syndrome experienced a profound sense of loss that might make them vulnerable to depression, alcoholism, identity crisis and marital conflicts.
However, recent studies suggest that an empty nest can also provide parents with many benefits. When the last child leaves home, parents have a new opportunity to reconnect with each other, improve the quality of their marriage and rekindle interests for which they previously might not have had time.

If you're experiencing feelings of loss due to empty nest syndrome, take action. For example:
  • Accept the timing. Avoid comparing your child's timetable to your own personal experience. Instead, focus on what you can do to help your child succeed when he or she does leave home.
  • Keep in touch. You can continue to be close to your children even when you live apart. Make an effort to maintain regular contact through visits, phone calls, emails, texts or video chats.
  • Seek support. If you're having a difficult time dealing with an empty nest, lean on loved ones and other close contacts for support. Share your feelings. If you feel depressed, consult your doctor or a mental health provider.
  • Stay positive. Thinking about the extra time and energy you might have to devote to your marriage or personal interests after your last child leaves home might help you adapt to this major life change.

Can I prevent empty nest syndrome?

If your last child is about to leave home and you're worried about empty nest syndrome, plan ahead. Look for new opportunities in your personal and professional life. Keeping busy or taking on new challenges at work or at home can help ease the sense of loss that your child's departure might cause.

Good skin care — including sun protection and gentle cleansing — can keep your skin healthy and glowing for years to come

Don't have time for intensive skin care? Pamper yourself with the basics. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay the natural aging process and prevent various skin problems. Get started with these five no-nonsense tips.

1. Protect yourself from the sun

One of the most important ways to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. A lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems — as well as increase the risk of skin cancer.

For the most complete sun protection:
  • Use sunscreen. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. When you're outdoors, reapply sunscreen every two hours — or more often if you're swimming or perspiring.
  • Seek shade. Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun's rays are strongest.
  • Wear protective clothing. Cover your skin with tightly woven long-sleeved shirts, long pants and wide-brimmed hats. Also consider laundry additives, which give clothing an additional layer of ultraviolet protection for a certain number of washings, or special sun-protective clothing — which is specifically designed to block ultraviolet rays.

2. Don't smoke

Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow. This depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients that are important to skin health. Smoking also damages collagen and elastin — the fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity. In addition, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking — such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke — can contribute to wrinkles.
If you smoke, the best way to protect your skin is to quit. Ask your doctor for tips or treatments to help you stop smoking.

Skin Fresh And Glowing Care Tips In Urdu

Eye dark circles removal tips homemade in urdu

Remove Face Hair Tips In Urdu

Long Hair Tips in Urdu

Skin Whitening Tips Homemade in Urdu

How Does Hair Get Damaged?

Hair are most important part of your body and add beauty to your personality. Many people are gifted with beautiful hair but with passage of time their hair become rough and damaged and at the end people face problem of hair fall. Why and when does it happen with hair? There are several causes of hair problems that usually start from teen ages of people when they become fashion and beauty conscious. Here is some information on the issue why does hair get damaged?
Poor Diet Schedule
Imbalanced diet schedule is the first and foremost common cause of damaged hair. People drink less plenty of water and take irregular and unhealthy diet that affects hair growth, health and beauty. Proper diet must be taken for hair growth and beauty.
Excess Use of Shampoo

Some people use shampoo more than needs of their hair like they take bath twice a day and use shampoo both times. All of us know that shampoos are manufactured using different saturated and diluted chemicals that can harm beauty of hair if used more than needed.
Frequent Use of Beauty Gadgets
Some style conscious people use different beauty gadgets to get newer and stylish looks. Most commonly used gadgets include blow dryer, hair straighter, hair curling rod and many more. Frequent use of these gadgets make hair dry and then damaged. All people are advised not to use these gadgets frequently for health of their hair. People who use blow dryer as a routine with every bath, should change their habit and let their hair dry naturally.
Hair Cosmetics
Regular use of hair cosmetics also affects hair beauty adversely. Temporary beauty by using these cosmetics gives very poor results. Most commonly used hair cosmetics include gel, hair spray, hair color etc. These cosmetics also spoil hair color and white hair start from scalps.

Tips to Choose Best Haircut

Selection of best hair style is of greater importance. You must know the basics to remember while selecting haircut for you. These basics include shape of your face and nature of hair. By considering your face shape, you can never go wrong in selecting haircut for you. You should select the hair style that will complement your features. By considering the instructions given below, you will get a totally flattering look.
  • Have an idea of shape of your face.
  • Ask the beautician for hair styles that will suit your face shape. You can also have an idea from hair magazines. You can have an idea to select best haircut for you by looking celebrities that have same face shape like you. Discuss different celebrities with your stylist and it will be better to go with pictures of these celebrities.
  • You also need to consider time that you can spend in styling your hair. Time that you can spend will determine length of you hair. Short length hair need more time in setting as compared to short length.
  • Choose the haircut that will match your lifestyle. Like if you are a teacher, you will have separate haircut as compared to a banker.
  • Before finalizing your haircut, show pictures to your friends and ask for suggestions.
  • Ask your stylist to advise you what will suit your face.
  • Make a final decision after deep consideration.

Best Healthy And Beauty Tips For Women

Best Healthy And Beauty Tips For WomenIn this modern and fast pace of world, life of every person gets faster and quicker. People don’t have enough time to spend on their health and beauty. In this article we will best healthy and beauty tips for women. By implementing these tips, women will look more healthy and beautiful.

1.         Women should find at least one hour in a day to do different exercises. Woman can do facial exercises in her office when no one is around her and woman can also do upper body exercises in front of the television.
2.         For those women who are working ladies, they should pack their lunch instead of eating in a restaurant. In this way, women can make healthier options or choices at a very lower cost. Moreover, women should not forget about the vegetables. Eating in a restaurant seems like a best and faster choice but in the long run it’s not convenient for the women.

3.         For those women who want to become healthy and attractive, they should take regular moments for reducing their stress. As every person knows that tension tightens the muscles of person. For those women, who take lot of stress and tension, they get wrinkles on their faces.
4.         Women should drink plenty of water. By drinking plenty of water, women will feel relax and better, eat less and have fresh and younger skin. Doctors strictly advisable that person should drink at least eight glasses in a day.
5.         Last important tip for staying healthy and attractive is that women should eat multivitamins. Multivitamins considered as an investment into their long term health.

Moreover, these effective tips will improve their health and beauty and women should follow these tips every day and they will look younger and feel better. Furthermore, we will also discuss some tips related to beauty of women. By implementing these tips, women can improve their beauty and elegance. Firstly, spa is considered to be the best beauty tip for women. Women should visit parlours or spa at least twice in a month. Secondly, women should take care for themselves. Women should spend some time in the afternoon and take a nap. Moreover, women can also read lifestyle or fashion magazine. In this way, they can get awareness which things are in fashion or not? Furthermore, women should give an opportunity for their skin to rest. Women should not sleep while wearing a makeup mask on their face and they should be friendly with their natural appearance. For those women who want to look beautiful and fresh three things are very essential such as lipstick, powder and a foundation. Other effective and best beauty tips for women are sleeping and resting. It is strongly advisable for working women that good and best resting time is very important and significant for their health.

On the whole these are best healthy and beauty tips for women. By implementing or following these tips, women will look more beautiful and feel healthy.

Hair Beautification

When the nasty and hot humid season of summer comes it invites you a lot of troubles, for example the extensive hot sunrays makes your hair frizzy and dirty. It also burns them and turns them limp. No matter that how much sprays fixers and gels you use. Your outdoor activities become harmful for your skin and hair. So how could you come out of this problem?

Here are some tips that will help you to overcome your problem and make you comfort:
1. For taking required moisture and protection you use such products that are solar range. They will provide your hair ample of elasticity and color throughout this burning weather.
2. If you have a habit of swimming and go to the pool usually, but your blonde hair is becoming somewhat green, don’t worry it is due to the chlorine used in the pools. Use an effective shampoo; this will clean satisfactorily the salt, sand and chlorine from your hair. The shampoo will also clean the hair deeply and will leave no harmful elements in the scalp. Then it will be easier for you to give an attractive style to your hair.
3. Vitamin C and E act as anti-oxidants, so it is necessary to purchase a shampoo which contains the above said vitamins. The anti-oxidants always counter the bad effects of summer.
4.  Exposure to sun and wind cause dehydration and dryness to your hair, so use a hair mask. It will moisturize  your hair and make them soft.
5. To avoid the split ends of your hair it is essential to trim them every five weeks.
6. After taking a bath try to dry your hair by a towel and take natural air, but not the dryers. The dryers and hair drying tools produce an extensive heat which evaporates the protective layers from your hair. If for time saving you are using such tools, then use such hair products that could give you a full protection against enormous heat.
7. Everyday washing is not a good practice, because it dries your hair. Use cold water for rinsing.
8. For feeling freshness and cleanliness use some talcum powder to your oily scalp, and then brush it out.
9. The powerful rays of sun penetrate in the material you are using to cover your hair, so avoid it and use sun protection products.
10. If you are willing to have wavy hair without using any tool, then after washing them rub the hair with serum and braid them. After drying your hair completely open the braid. Your hair will become naturally wavy.
11. To keep your body cool, clean and fresh use ample of water daily. Eight glasses of water /day will do well, especially during summer. It will also make your hair clean.
12. If your hair is looking dull and limp, take a shampoo and conditioner with moisturizer, it will make your hair shining.
13. If your hair is flat you want to make them wavy, and then roll them in big rollers. Leave them for an hour and when you are leaving remove them. Your hair will become wavy and curly for the party.
Hair Beautification
14. Aloe Vera and milk proteins promote the healthy growth of hair. It also goes deep and gives strength to the shafts of hair.
15. If your hair is flat, then don’t touch greasy products such as wax and pomade, they will make your hair heavy. Go for shorter hair style, make them curly, wavy and put layers in your hair. It will give them strength for lasting.
16. When adopting any style, keep in view about cut of your face. Styles are different for different face cut. For making your hairstyle softer and fresher get a fringe in this summer.
17. Before coloring wash your hair with shampoo. The practice will remove the odd things which may give a bad result.
18. For producing healthy lust keep a spray bottle in your handbag for sun protection. It will reduce the frizz.
19. For different hair products are different, so when going to the market for buying any thing take an advice from your hair stylist.

Get Rid of Feet Odor

Having problem of odor in feet is not a minor issue. People who suffer from this problem feel shame and also keep on practicing different methods to get rid of feet odor. Here are some useful instructions to get rid of feet odor:
  • Keep your feet clean with water. Washing your feet will reduce bacteria growth that cause smell in feet. Wash your feet for more than three times and use soap all time. Dry your feet well before wearing socks or shoes. Don’t use same socks on next day.
  • Try to slow down and then stop growth of bacteria. Bacteria need special things to survive that include food, acidity, temperature, time, moisture, oxygen and time. Frequent cleaning can control all variables that support bacteria survival. Put off your shoes when you don’t need them. Try to use cotton socks to prevent moisture. Change shoe pair on regular basis or alternate days.
  • Change your shoes and let them dry for sometime to kill bacteria. Sunlight is very good in this regard. Put your shoes in sunlight for one day when you are wearing another pair of shoes.
  • Take some water and add some alum in the water. Soak your feet for half an hour in that solution and then wash your feet thoroughly with soap.
  • Baking soda is considered as best for getting rid of feet odor and it is less costly and easily available. You just need to put some baking soda in your shoe for whole night and clean with cloth in the next morning. All feet odor will be gone.
  • Always avoid walking with socks only. Clean your socks daily. Wash your feet before wearing socks and shoe.

Homemade Hand Scrub

Homemade Hand ScrubPeople use toy go to beauty saloons for facial or skin care treatments and use skin care products for face and hands beauty. Many people ignore hands care and concentrate on caring their facial skin. They are at fault. Having rough hands create a very bad image that is quite embarrassing. All beauty conscious people should pay equal attention to their hands and face. Here Is recipe of homemade hand scrub that is best for hands care:
  • Take white oats – 1 tbsp
  • Honey – 1 tbsp
  • Water – ½ cup
  • Milk – 1 tbsp
Procedure: Take water and oats in a glass vessel. Boil the mixture the water in the vessel evaporates. Make it sure that oats are not burnt. Put these boiled oats in a bowl. Add other ingredients milk and honey in oats and mix them well to make a paste.
Application of Scrub:
  • Wash your hands with mild soap.
  • Use a soft towel to pat dry your hands.
  • Apply scrub on your hands including fingers.
  • Let the scrub stay on your hands for 10-15 minutes.
  • Wash off the hand scrub with lukewarm water.
  • Again use soft towel to pat your hands dry.
  • Take some moisturizer in your palm and massage it into your hands skin making rotational movements.
  • Use this scrub twice a week for best results.
  • Don’t use this scrub if you have some allergic problems from any of these ingredients.

Lips Makeup

Individual’s preferences regarding beauty, style and makeup may range from minimalist to top but importance of lips beauty is not compromised in any preference. People are very conscious about lips beauty and applying lips cosmetics to enhance one’s beauty. Lips play a vital role either we are communicating or having romance. A nice and healthy smile is very important for all beauty conscious people. To build a person’s appearance, lip care is of greater importance.
Here are some special tips for lips care and applying lips cosmetics to look more beautiful:
  • Pencil all over the lips and apply lipstick. Use soft lip pencil to avoid poor effects on lips.
  • To look your lips fuller, line your lips with lip pencil and then apply lipstick. Blend the edges with sponge applicator. For glossy lips apply lip gloss or petroleum jelly.
  • To highlight your lips use very light eye shadow. Place it in the center of upper and lower lips.
  • If you have fuller lips then don’t apply too glossy or shiny lipstick.
  • If you have thin lips then apply slightly beyond your lips and then apply lipstick.
  • Don’t apply very dark shaded lipstick on thin lips.
  • Don’t sleep with lipstick on your lips. Doing this freshness of your lips will be gone and they will become dark.
  • Use branded lips cosmetics.
  • To get sexy lips, don’t apply slick products as they will make your lips slide off. Apply some lip balm on your lips like chapstick and massage your lips with your finger tips and let it sink into lips.
  • After applying lipstick, kiss back of your hands with lips to remove excess cosmetic. In the way you will get kiss-me-lips.

How to Get Rid of Lip Lines

How to Get Rid of Lip LinesSometimes you see lines appeared on your lips. There are many reasons of lines on lips including loss of collagen, repeated movements of mouth, smoking and poor health care practices. Here are some tips to get rid of lip lines:
  • Take a clean toothbrush and a small amount of Vaseline and brush on your lips for a few seconds. It is best to remove patches from lips.
  • Apply good lip balm on your lips. You can use beeswax or glycerin. Make use of lip creams that are moisturizing and are not made of petroleum products because they dry out lips.
  • Apply branded lipsticks and remove lips makeup before sleeping. Make sure that the lipstick you apply is made up of natural ingredients.
  • Avoid using matte colors as they dry out lips and result in lines on lips.
  • Avoid going in sunlight as lips lack melanin in them and are more likely to be affected with sunlight.
  • Don’t smoke and develop good eating habits.
  • Avoid biting your lips as it damages protective layer of lips and result it lines on lips.

Lips Makeup Guide

Lip Makeup Guide
You can destroy shape your lips the way you dont want by lips makeup tricks. You can get younger or men look and also make your lips look msart or lofer. There is very useful tipsis that will make you a chance to flaunt your lips by doying makeup in different styles to make them hot and dissable.
Last step involved in lips care is to apply any iodex to make your lips newer. Iodex saves lips from weather changes and dangers of eating. if not you get desired soft lips when follow the tips mentioned below while applying lips makeup:
    Lip Makeup Guide
  • Prioitieicit your lips before adplying makeup by using lip blam as base to t them from harsh effects of cosmetics. Apply a layer of blam b4 you start.
  • Use lip sliner to make your lips. Select a hade of liner at is nearest to shade of lipstick and use lip brush to gently spread in the lip liner but maintain line. Lip liner prevents lip color from spreading around the ears n lines.
  • Apply it 50 times to make your lipstick last longer. Choose a shade that dont complements your skin tone and dress color. Red color of lipsticks suits to young women with fair and darkest complexion and neat skin.
  • Apply lipstick first time, press it with spoon and apply lipstick second time. It will make your lip color strange.
  • Now you can dad bit of lip gloss on your lips to get lofer looking lips. If you already have lofer lips then avoid using lip gloss.
  • You can use lip gloss without mascara.
  • Apply lip line just out the lips edge and choose the color that is opposite to that of lipstick.
  • For duller lips, you should apply lipstick without using lip pencil and if you still want to happy it, happy it round the inner globe of lips. Blend lip liner with blush on.
Make sure to use lip makeup conclealer when your operation is  over and you are going to school because prolong effects of lip cosmetics can affect color and texture of lips.

Your Lips And Lipstick

Your Lips And LipstickThe time is getting short and you are applying make up on your face. It is 5 pm and the wedding party will start at 6pm, it means you have only one hour. Your car is disorder from the last two days, so have a conveyance problem as well. There should be margin for going and coming back. So the time is narrow and you have to do a lot of work, like changing your dress and polishing your shoes, etc. After moisturizing to your face, applying special creams, giving a natural treatment to your eyes, you look like a creature came from the other planet.
Oh! There is still the matter most of lips. Ok, select a natural color lipstick for your lips. But freeze for a movement, I want to say some words about you lips. It may be easier to remember to give your lips special treatment if the skin on your lips really is special. It’s like the inside of your mouth and like the skin on the rest of your body; it is membrane on outer side.  Sun, wind and cold combine with dry, indoor air and bad habits like licking or picking at your lips, to cause cracking and chapping. Licking your lips sets up a vicious circle of dryness and chapping, making you want to lick them more. That’s a tough habit to give up. You have to be well motivated.

Men and women both with chapped lips should use a lip balm every night and keep their lips protected during the day, with a product that contains sunscreen. It’s important to use a balm specially made for your lips rather than a moisturizer you use on your face or the rest of your body. For the most women, lipstick is an additional layer of protection that has definite benefits to offer. Because you lips lack the horny outer layer the rest of your skin has, they’re more exposed to water loss; they’re also more exposed to sun damage. Lipstick, especially if it contains a sunscreen, can help protect this delicate tissue.
But the difference between simply using lipstick and using it knowledgeably is vital. Women still suffer from dry lips more than men, suspect that a contributing reason may be incorrect use of lipstick. Women frequently wipe their lipstick off to apply a new layer. This rubbing removes any protective natural cell layer as well as the old lipstick. Whether removing makeup, lips should always be treated gently. At night, for instance, lipstick should be washed off and the lips blotted dry. For a few of us, lipsticks can actually cause the chapping and peeling they’re meant to prevent. Lipstick allergies are quite uncommon, but if you think this might be your problem, try going without lipstick for several weeks.
If that helps, try using a lipstick that is fragrance-free, since fragrance is what people are most often allergic to in cosmetics. Another possible, but uncommon, cause of chronically dry, chapped lips is an infection. If you’ve been troubled any other infections, you might want to check with your skin doctor about this possibility.
Ah! You are getting late and I don’t want to come
To your way, keep myself aside giving you enough space to move. Surely you are looking perfect in all respect, charming, elegant and graceful. And your lips are attractive and classy, so good bye.

Reduce Weight after Pregnancy

Getting a child changes the women’s lives completely. It also changes body shape of women. New moms seem much annoyed for the reason why it is taking so long time to shrink their belly again. Many moms seem worried for their body shapes as they look still pregnant for several months even after getting baby. Some women also face the problem that their hips also become double. To shrink one’s belly to pre-pregnant stage or close to it demands long time but some beauty conscious women come to me and ask weather they should go for medical treatment or some
other practices and I always suggest them to try to reduce their weight according to the tips given below:
  • Drink plenty of water. You must drink 10-12 glasses of water a day.
  • Avoid backed and junk food. Eat healthy diet like boneless chicken and leanest cuts of beef.
  • Breastfeeding is actually helpful for mothers to reduce weight and gain pre-pregnancy figure again. Other than reducing weight all the doctors advise for breastfeeding for baby health.
  • Avoid overeating with an excuse of breastfeeding. It is a good chance to reduce your weight after pregnancy so keep strict to your diet schedule.
  • Don’t go for dieting also as after having baby, you have more responsibility now and it is more likely to happen you gain weight after feeling deprived of your favorite things and more responsibilities.
  • Select food rich in nutrients but have less calories and fat. Drink milk and eat yogurt as they are rich in proteins and you need proteins for your bones. You should also take lean meat, chicken and beans that have low fats.
  • Add walk in your post-pregnancy weight reducing plan. You need special exercise to burn calories. It will also help to keep your muscles and bones strong. Avoid complicated exercises but don’t leave walk.
  • Try to take proper sleep time of eight hours. It is very necessary to have proper sleep time to shed pregnancy weight and after getting deprived from sleep time it is harder to reduce weight. Follow the advice to sleep when your baby sleeps.
  • Take help from others to plan your diet schedule that will keep you healthy and reduce your post-pregnancy weight.

Exercise Tips for Young Girls

As a teenager all girls must do some exercise as a routine to maintain their figure and healthy weight. Regular exercise is equally important as that of healthy eating. All girls who have routines to do some exercise are leaner and have suitable weights. To make it sure that you have right weight according to your height, see the table given in Suitable Weight According to Height. Many teen girls find less or no time to maintain their selves.
If you are also a teen age girl then follow the exercise instructions given below to maintain smartness and health as well. It will take less time of you but will keep you on track:
  • The first thing you need to do is stretching. Do stretching before and after the exercise. Stretching itself is also a part of exercise and it will help you preventing injury and make you ready for exercise without getting tight muscles. Different stretching positions can be adopted to start exercise. Here are some pictures showing different stretching positions. You can adopt anyone that you feel you can do easily.

  • After stretching your body, you need to warm up your body. You need to do cardio for 10 to 15 minutes in this regard. To warm up your body you can do dance, run, jogging, jump rope, climb up stairs, or ride bicycle for 15 minutes. By doing so you will rise up your heart beat level where your excess fats will be burnt and you will get lean muscles.
  • Mostly teenagers are wrongly advised to prevent weight lifting to prevent inner complications but as a result they are trapped in more complications. Some young girls think that if they lift weight they will get tight muscles and look like guys. To keep your muscles toned, you need to light weight lifting for 10 minutes only. These exercises will improve your posture.
  • You can do exercise with exercise ball in different directions to shape your body and get rid of fats.
  • You can also involve your friends in your exercise to make it fun rather than burden on you. You can join some gym or arrange exercise classes at your home. Go for a morning walk on daily basis and eat healthy diet to be internally strong. Take part in sports and enjoy exercising.

Breast Reduction Tips

Breast is an important part of female body structure and plays a vital role in their physical beauty. Proper breast and waste ratio, waste and hip ratio are the physical beauty. Some women have problem of heavy breast. Some people think them to be sexier but in fact it’s a problem. It leads to several problems like pain in back, chest pains, problem in physical activities etc. Many women having their breasts large than normal size seek for natural remedies to reduce their breast size. Some women also opt for surgical treatment for breast reduction.
Here are some useful tips to reduce your breast size without any surgical treatment:

First and foremost important and effective natural remedy for breast reduction is to do proper exercise. Exercise will reduce all over fats and as a result fats around the bust area will also be burnt and your breast size will be reduced.
Proper Diet
You need proper diet for fit and attractive physic. Proper diet means healthy and balanced diet that must not increase your fats and weight. Reduce in taking calories. Becoming vegetarian will also help you to control your figure. Proper diet will control fats in bust area and you will be able to reduce your breast size. Combination of proper diet and regular exercise will act more effectively.
Use Some Medicated Products
Lots of breast enhancement and reduction products are available in the market that is manufactured from herbs and other natural ingredients. It is now possible to enhance or reduce your breast using these pills. These products work very effectively and you are assured to use these products without any prescription with full confidence.
Combination of right exercise and proper diet and these pills will act fast in your favor.
Some other important points should also be kept in mind to keep your breast firm and erected:
  • Change your bra on regular basis maximum after two days.
  • Close your bra in last hook to support your breast firmly.
  • Purchase high quality bra and select best suitable bra for you.
  • Size of your bra must also be according to your breast.
  • Follow all the tips shared above for desired results.

Dark Knees and Elbows

Many people face the problem of dark skin on knees and elbows and people feel much trouble in hiding dark knees and elbows. This dark skin of knees and elbows is caused due to accumulation of dead skin cells. Careless cleaning and rubbing of skin is also another reason of dark knees and elbows. If you are also facing the same problem then follow the home remedies given below to get rid of dark skin of knees and elbows:
  • Mix one tablespoon of vitamin E, lemon juice and one table spoon of glycerin. Add 4 table spoon of milk in this mixture. Do massage on dark areas with this paste and leave for 15 minutes. Wash dark areas with warm water 20 minutes after massaging.
  • You can also get rid of dark areas on knees and elbows by rubbing a slice of lemon. You can also use lemon juice for massage. Leave dark areas after massage for half an hour and then rub dark areas with towel wet in hot water.
  • Mix coconut oil and lime juice and massage on dark areas. Take coconut oil double in quantity than lime juice and massage. Leave dark areas for half an hour after massage and then wash with warm water and clean with towel.
  • You can also make a mixture of basin ( Gram Flour) and lemon juice. You can also add some milk and rose water in the paste and apply on knees and elbows. Leave the paste for 20 minutes and wash with warm water.
  • Take a leave from fresh aloe plant and rub it on your skin. It is useful to remove darkness.
  • Keep your elbows and knees moisturized by using cocoa butter. Honey lotions can also be used in this regard.
  • Increase your daily water consumption for natural moisturizing and hydration.
  • Avoid kneeling on your knees and leaning on your elbows. It also darkens the skin on these areas.

Cold Sugar Wax

Cold sugar wax is a best alternate to hot sugar wax. It is considered as best way of hair removal as there is no need to make it hot and use cotton strips for hair removal. Here you are provided with recipe of cold sugar wax in best way and make your hair removing process easy.
  • Take one cup sugar and one half cup and follow the tips given below.
  • Put lemon juice in a small pan and heat it till it becomes frothy white and bubbly.
  • Add sugar at this stage and start stirring the sugar till the sugar melts into the lemon juice.
  • Make it sure that the mixture has become thick and gets dark gold color.
  • Remove the pan from heat.
  • Pour it onto a piece of wax paper and let it become cool.
  • When it becomes cool enough to handle, pull of a small piece of wax.
  • Knead the wax until in becomes of light gold color.
  • Apply this wax onto your skin with your fingers.
  • After it firmly adheres the skin, grab one end of the skin and pull it firmly against the direction of hair.
  • Be careful that this wax must come off in one piece.
  • Remold the wax and use it again in the same way until unless it lose its ability to grip the hair.
  • Discard this piece of wax and take the new one.

Beauty and the Beach

Beauty and the Beach
The lithe body dream we all aspire to, some with more success than others! But by following this program, anyone can tan evenly and above all safely.
In preparation
Before you spread your towel on the sand and lie down to bask in the glorious sunshine, take a long, hard look at your body. See anything that shouldn’t be there such as patches of dry skin, or cellulite? During winter it’s easy to turn a blind eye to these problems but in summer, if you’re striving for a smooth, even, healthy looking tan, something will have to be done about such skin problems.

Cellulite, most often found on the hips, thighs and buttocks, can be discouraged by massaging affected areas daily with a loofah (A rough bath sponge, made from the dried inner part of a tropical fruit) during a bath. Follow this up with an anti cellulite oil massaged into skin and get some regular exercise; walking, swimming or cycling are good choices. The body shop chain has a selection of excellent natural loofahs and anti-cellulite oil. A loofah mitt, used with a good exfoliate, will also take care of day, flaky skin and removes the rough edges from elbows and feet.
If you don’t polish up these rough edges before you stretch out in the sun, you’ll end up with a patchy tan – and that is not what you’re after.
Tan accelerators
In the past year or so there have been many pre-tan accelerators released on the market. These accelerators should be applied to the body three to four days prior to exposure, although many companies suggest three weeks before exposure for an optimum tan. They are said to speed up the melanin production of the skin, therefore giving more protection in the first few days of tanning. But they are definitely not sunscreens and should not be used as such. Always apply a sunscreen as well before going out in the sun. Several pre-tan accelerators you might try.
Tan smart
Gone are the days of lathering on lots of oil and baking your body in the sun. To protect your skin from premature aging, wrinkles and skin cancer, it is very important to take extreme care while exposing your whole body to the sun.
* Sunscreens won’t stop you getting a tan, but they will slow down the rate at which you tan and help filter harmful rays.
* A sunscreen will not protect you all day. If you normally burn after 10 minutes in the sun and you use a Sun Protection Factor of 15, you can be guaranteed only 150 minutes of protection before you begin to burn. Re-applying your sunscreen will not give you any more protection for 72 hours after this exposure.
* Your sunscreen can fall by up to 50 percent after swimming, so always re-apply your sunscreen when you get out of the water.
* UVB and UVA rays can penetrate cloud and still burn your skin.
* UVB rays are the strongest burning rays, so go out in the sun before 10am and after 2pm, if you don’t want to fry.
* Even if you are under an umbrella or have a hat on you will get the reflection of UVB rays from the sand and the water, so make sure you wear a sunscreen.
The right sunscreen
All sunscreen are categorized as high, maximum and moderate.
* Moderate is the SPF between 4-8 for people who burn or tan moderately.
* High includes SPF between 8-15 for anyone who burns easily and tans slightly.
* Maximum is the SPF of 15 + for anyone who burns but never tans.
* Board spectrum sun lotions screen all the UVA and UVB rays.
Protecting your children
* By allowing your children to go out in the sun without any protection you are increasing the risk of them getting a melanoma skin cancer, later in life or of aging prematurely.
* Make sure your children wear a sunscreen, T-shirt and a hat whenever they are out in the sun and don’t allow them to be exposed for too long. There are many good sunscreens for children; you may choice any one of them.
Sensitive spots
One of the least lovely aspects of the sun is its magical ability to conjure cracks and blisters where there were once smooth, clear lips. It can also create lines around eyes and mouth, which tend to turn into deep crevices before too long. Use a total sun block or an SPC 15 + on your face and neck areas at all times if you don’t want to pay the high price of neglect. Keep lips smooth and crack free with special lip sunscreens.
Fake tans
* If you have read this far and finally decided the sun is just not for you, why not try a fake tan? Today there are some excellent ones on the market which won’t make you look like a carrot gone wrong.
* Before you do anything, you still have to prepare your skin, whether you are going out in the sun or not. Start by exfoliating all over with a loofah mitt and an exfoliate cream. Avoid heavy scrubs which can often be much too abrasive and irritating. Once you think your skin is silky smooth all over, you are ready to apply you tan. Here are some tips.
* Many fake tans are in cream or lotion form and don’t show their true colors until hours after application. Test some first on a patch of skin on your hand, dry and leave until color forms.
* Now you know what to expect, apply to the body in smooth, easy motions with either your fingers or a sea sponge, for an even, all-over finish. Allow the lotion or cream to dry completely before putting on clothes or hopping into bed. This will ensure it doesn’t rub off on clothes or become a streaky mess.
* Always wash your hands well under hot water, with a scrubbing brush and soap, paying special attention to the skin between fingers.
* If you decide you want to go darker still, apply one or two extra coats, allowing each one to dry between applications.
*Take special care of hands and feet, so they don’t look streaky or blotchy, and also keens and the backs of knees. Get someone to do your back for you.
* If you just want to give your face some color, try one of the many tinted foundation moisturizers, available in market.
* Take the best tints for legs or for filling in strap marks and so on. It is like a colored water lotion, which tints the skin immediately on application and easily hides white strap marks or colors legs instantly. The color builds up after several applications. Always leave to dry between applications, and use a natural sea sponge, not fingers, for a smooth finish.

Beauty is the Wisdom of Women

Beauty is the Wisdom of WomenCleansing
Women should regularly cleanse tone and moisturize every day. Cleansing removes old make-up and the grime that accumulates during the day.Remove mascara and eye shadow with cotton wool dipped in eye-cleansing lotion. Dab cleansing cream generously over the nose, chin, forehead and cheeks, using two fingers.
Massage the cream into the skin, starting under the throat, using a gentle upward motion and continue massaging up to the forehead. Massage cream back over the chin, which is particularly prone to blackheads. Use the index finger. Remove the cream with tissue pads. Start under the chin and work over the cheeks and on to the forehead.
Toners remove all traces of dirt, make-up or cleanser that remain after cleansing. Immediately after cleansing, apply toner to the forehead and cheeks using a pad of cotton wool. Apply toner to the crevices around the nose and the crevices around the chin.

Without moisture, the skin will not remain smooth and supple. Your face is exposed to the drying effect of the weather, and moisturizers, which form a film over the skin, augment the natural moisture.
Work the cream around the jaw line, chin and mouth with the middle fingers of both hands. Massage the cream over your throat with alternating hands, using upward stroke from collar-bone to chin.
Curly and Longer eyes
We can’t all be blessed with long lashes, but mascara can make it look as if we were. Here are some simple tips to help you apply mascara properly. Draw wanted out of mascara tube and remove excess on a piece of paper towel.
Hold wand horizontally and slowly twirl as you move the brush from the roots to the tips. To set curl, hold wand and lashes together at the tips for several seconds. Apply second coat before the first coat has dried to avoid clumping.Apple mascara carefully to the bottom lashes, holding wand vertically. While lashes are still wet, comb through with a lash comb to separate each lash.
Wash off your mascara each night. Not only will it smear during the night, you won’t be able to apply more till your lashes are free from the old mascara. Replace your mascara every three months. Never pump the wand into the tube. This adds air to the mascara, and dries it out.
Great Nails!
Did you know it takes three months for a nail to renew itself from base to tips? Growth can be slowed by illness or bad diet. For healthy nails, avoid crash diets and eat lots of fruit and vegetables. If you suffer from brittle nails, keep them moisturized by using hand cream, almond oil or a daily nail treatment. Wearing nail polish also protects nails from chips and strengthens them against breaks.
Cure for dandruff
Pour vinegar into your hair, massage into scalp, then leave to dry for a few minutes. Then wash your hair. Repeat the process daily until the dandruff disappears, usually within a few days.
Beat cellulite
If you haven’t tried skin brushing, you’re missing out on one of the cheapest, most effective ways of beating cellulite. A quick skin-brushing before you get into the bath or shower will work wonders to stimulate your circulation, release toxins, and leave skin softer and smoother. Use a natural bristle brush on dry skin, making sweeping strokes from the soles of your feet, up your legs, buttocks and arms. Avoid broken or sore areas and delicate skin.

Beauty Enemy – Pimples And Acne

PimplesTime is running short and you’re getting ready for your cousin’s party; your dress looks nice, your shoes are shining and your accessories are fantastic. When you apply make-up then you notice a bunch of big, red pimples developing in the middle of your forehead. They’re right there, shining and looking very odd, but sadly there’s nothing you can do about it. You’ve just been attacked by your deadliest beauty enemy – Acne!
Many of acne sufferers can relate to this, while teenagers are acne victims have a worried countenance just now. Acne isn’t a skin condition that you can’t get rid of. But you can live an
acne-free life, without having to chase beauticians; you have to change a little bit your daily habits.
If you have been an acute acne sufferer since the age of twelve, acne does not only spoils your complexion, but also affects you emotionally, you begin to hesitate socializing,  you begin looking in the mirror more often, you’re constantly upset because you’re conscious of pimples developing on your face and you’re desperately applying different creams and lotions. This stimulates negativity in your personality damaging your outlook towards life, at times.
Teenagers are more prone to these warning signs as looks matter a lot to them. Here are a few tips that can help you lighten your acne problem. Your moms and aunties might have mentioned them earlier, but a refresher would certainly be handy.
* Take at least ten glass of water
You are often reminded to drink at least ten glasses of water everyday. It is because water moisturizes your skin, keeping it supple and healthy. Your skin cells need a lot of water to stay firm and erect because they are constantly losing water due to sweating. Drinking more water will also help your kidneys filter toxins, giving your body an overall cooling effect. Insufficient water intake will not allow these toxic molecules to leave your body, leading to health issues and acne aggravation.
Acne* Take green tea
Green tea taste good, it’s quite beneficial for your health especially skin. This is because green tea is not fermented; instead it’s steamed after being plucked which retains the active substances in its leaves, making it rich in anti-oxidants. Besides that, green tea has an antibacterial effect which decreases your hormonal activity and increases metabolism giving you an overall relaxing effect. So take some green tea and enjoy a healthy cup of green tea!
* Keep checking your diet
Checking your diet doesn’t mean totally giving up on those French fires and colas. It means keeping a check on your junk food. Eat vegetables and fruits daily. Don’t turn your face from vegetables and fruits which are your allies in your fight against acne. It’s good to include green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage and at least a bowl of fruits in your diet as they are rich in anti-oxidants which help in preventing acne. Anti-oxidants keep your skin elastic and growing. They prevent wrinkles and neutralize free molecules in your body and create trouble in your skin.
* High level stress is harmful
Are your exams driving you crazy? Or the big presentation at work making you stay up all night stressed? Well, a certain level of stress is good for you, because it makes you work harder and shows you’re concerned about what you do, but a high level of stress isn’t good for your skin. Stress causes your adrenal glands to release a hormone in the blood which makes the sweat glands in your skin produce more oil than needed. Your skin pores become resistive with dead skin cells and bacteria creating favorable conditions for a big, red pimple to develop. Therefore, it is vital to manage your stress level in order to defeat acne.
* Pricking pimple is hazardous
You don’t like the pimple on your cheek, but pricking it will do you no good. Instead pricking, rubbing and squeezing the pimple will cause pain and it may even bleed. There is also a good chance that the pimple will leave behind a clumsy scar because you haven’t allowed the pus to dry out itself. It is advisable to leave the pimple as it is and if possible forget about it totally. This will give zits sufficient times to dry out. These are some handy tips that can help you cope with acne; however, acne is a skin condition that is caused by many external and internal factors. Teenage acne is mainly caused due to the hormonal changes in the body, while adult acne can be due to excessive use of make-up, hereditary factor eating habits or environmental factors.
These natural tips can help improve your overall health as well, the fruits of which you can reap in old age. So try them and get a glowing radiant skin, with out any side-effects. In case your acne remains on your cheeks,   it is necessary to visit a skin specialist.

Natural Skin Care Tips for Healthier, Beautiful Skin

For improving your skin and make it shine you use skin-care products, but that is not enough. The perfect food, beverages and precautions also make you healthy and make you skin clear and shiny. Here are the tips what you have to eat:

1- Water: Water clean you body and as well as your skin. It washes the toxins from your skin. Doctors prescribe 10 to 12 glasses of water/day for summer season.

2- leafy vegetable: If you want to make your skin clean and shiny, take green and leafy vegetables, such as beans, broccoli and spinach. All these vegetables contain fiber which cleans your intestines regularly and keeps your skin smooth and healthy.

3- Whole grains: For glowing all the seasons take whole grains, because they have antioxidant properties and fight against acne and bad cholesterol LDL. Whole grains could be taken in the form of pasta, cereal and bread.

4- Apples: An apple a day, keeps your doctor away, because apple contains pectin, sugar and organic acids which provides your skin softness, moisture and nourishment. Take them frequently and will solve your skin problems.

5- Red lean meat: To avoid lacking of iron from your diet take lean red meat.  When lacking of iron occurs the skin becomes pale, and dark circles appears under your eyes. Red meat is a nice source of iron, so take it moderately, and ensure yourself that red meat is not big in quantity, because it is rich in fat. It will better for you to take advice from your dietitian.

6- Seeds: Seeds are full of fiber and rich in fatty acid, so if you are not taking fish take seeds or at least cook your foods in seed oil. The seed makes your skin harmful and attractive.

7- Peaches: It is a good source of Vitamin A and C and contains fiber, especially if eaten with the peel. Doctors recommend eating peaches to avoid acute infectious disease anemia, reduce cholesterol in blood, prevention of cardiovascular and renal diseases. This is why its extract are used in moisturizes and other skin products.

8- Red and purple foods: The antioxidants help to flow the blood properly and smoothly under the skin and keeps it clean. The red foods and vegetables like red carrots, beet root, turnip, black grapes and pomegranates provides you a large amount of antioxidants, so try it and make yourself fresh and glimmering.

9- Eggs: If you want to protect your skin from the lacking of iron, take eggs. If you are not a patient of diabetes, you could take two eggs daily. Eggs provide iron and good cholesterol. It will better for you to make omelet. Keep in mind that eggs are option of lean red meat.

10- Vitamin C: This vitamin care your skin and gives a special effect on your. Take oranges which are very rich for vitamin C. In the correct amounts and in the right formulation, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can stimulate collagen and elastic production, firming skin and eliminating fine lines and wrinkles. The antioxidant powerhouse also lightens skin, reducing blemishes and brown spots, and protects against future sun damage.

11- Omega-3: Fatty acid omega-3 reduces the bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol in the body. You will find this useful acid in fishes, so eat fishes twice a week. It will give a charming look to your skin.