
Younger Looking Skin

Younger Looking Skin
Mix the rubbing
There are a number of things that women do to their skin that makes it look older. A prime example is that a lot of women rub their skin when cleansing, perhaps because they want to get that last trace of makeup off, but such roughness can be aging and plain damaging to your complexion, eventually aggravating a creepy look of the skin. You should always bolt-not rub-your facial skin dry.

A particular danger area for too brush treatment is around the eyes and eyelids. With the colder weather especially, we see an increase in case of red, irritated lids, the right way to clean this area? Just take a damp cotton ball, put a gentle, emollient cleanser on it-the cleanser doesn’t even have to be specific for the eyes then very gently swoosh it off and bolt.
Go easy on
Another “skin ager” is astringent overuse. First of all, only women with oily skin should use an astringent, it is not a good way to help normal skin exfoliate. If you do use it, don’t take your cotton pad and go over your face until the cotton pad is clean. That’s overdoing it. It just irritates the skin and removes the protective layer that helps to keep the water in the skin. If you remove that, you end up with dry, irritated skin. Just go over it lightly.
Of the things a dermatologist can do to help keep your skin looking young, one of the most effective and least invasive is the glycolic acid treatment, which results in a microscopic peeing f the skin. This works quite well to improve the whole texture of the skin, to even out skin discoloration and to make the skin look fresher. This type of peel also helps minimize some of the fine lines.
Glycolic acid is a member of the alpha-hydroxyl or fruit-acid family. A glycolic-acid peel is usually done in a series of four peels at weekly to monthly intervals. After that, you need a treatment only once every several months.
Because this is such a controlled peel, it works for all skin types. In fact, it is such a light peel you can go cut to dinner the same evening you have a treatment.
Color yourself youthful
As you age, your complexion pales, so adding color to your face makes it appear younger. Using blush adds color and can also give a youthful uplift to your face; it all depends on where you actually apply it.
The blush is darker than your foundation or skin tone; therefore, it has a shading effect. If we go to the concept of highlight and shadow, a highlight reflects light and brings things forward. A shadow absorbs light and sets things back. Too often, women put the blush on the apple of the cheek or the cheekbone, which really flattens the face, taking away some of the contour. What we want to do emphasize the cheekbones.
What I recommend is putting the majority of your blush directly beneath the cheekbone, and a little bit up in the temple area. This highlights the cheekbones in an upward movement. With age, every thing starts to be pulled down by gravity, so the last thing we ever want to do is use a downward movement on the face. By emphasizing the cheeks in an upward movement, we are giving an upward lift to the face.
Cream blushes are much better for a person with large pores, some thing else that frequently accompanies aging. With a dry soft bush, you end up rimming the pores with color as brush skins over them. With a cream, you are covering the sides, as well. The same holds true of wrinkles and any other complexion irregularities. Powders just hit the top and outline the higher points.
Use a concealer
Age can darken skin discolorations, which may be remedied by a concealer, one of our favorite look-your best tools, there are specific attributes that the best concealer share. A concealer shouldn’t be only because then it pools in any facial lines you may have, also, it shouldn’t be heavy, or you exchange discoloration for cracks and a creepy appearance. It shouldn’t be dry, either, so that you’re pulling on the skin when you apply it. It should have a great deal of pigment so that it can go on very thin and still cover your own skin tone.
Concealer should do just that, even out your skin tone and conceal discolorations. Choose the shade closest to your own. Using a shade much lighter than your skin is a left over beauty habit from 30 years ago.
Establish a regimen
One of the main things you want to keep is the appearance of elasticity that is hallmark of youthful skin, that can come, to a certain degree, from good eating habits, exercise and, of course, not smoking. But a big part of your strategy should be a consistent skin-care regimen.
I have seen for myself that an appropriate regimen, cleansing, toning and moisturizing can diminish lines and puffiness and make a huge difference. In general, women seem to understand the importance of a moisturizer. But cleansing is as important as any other part of your regimen, especially in today’s environment. Getting your skin clean without stripping it is an integral part of a skin-care system to keep your skin looking young. If your current program takes so long that you sometimes skip it, find a system that is going to work into your time schedule.
Be sun smart
The most important age accelerator that we can control is exposure to the sun is damaging UVA and UVB rays. The biggest steps to younger-looking skin is to control low much time you spend in the sun and to protect yourself with sunscreen while you are outside, if your skin is dry, you can use a moisturizing sunscreen. If your skin is oily, you want a sunscreen in an alcohol base. Also, going on the better-safe-than-sorry theory, it is wise to reapply a sunscreen frequently if you are on the beach or active enough to work up a sweat.
The sun also promotes wrinkles in another way. If you are outside on a bright day, chances are you will be squinting. This repeated action eventually can cause crow’s-feet, which can rob your eyes of a youthful appearance. Wear sunglasses to prevent wrinkles in the delicate eye area, and don’t forget to apply your sunscreen to that area, too.

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