Lets start with the different poses in yoga for diabetics.
1. Paschimotasana:
This asana is also known as sitting forward bend.
- Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you.
- Touch your toes with both your hands.
- Stay in this position for a few breaths and then as you return back inhale.
- Repeat for another 2-3 times.
2. Padangusthasana (Big Toe pose):
- Stand straight with your feet atleast 6 inches apart. Your knees should not bend.
- Keeping your spine straight, bend forward to grip your toes with your fingers. Your forehead should be close to your knees.
- Rise up with a deep inhale and put both your hands over your head keeping elbows straight.
- Lengthen yourself in this pose stretching your muscles.
- Exhale and bend forward to touch your toes.
- Again go up while inhaling. Repeat this process of inhalation and exhalation for 5-10 times.
3. Dhanurasana (Bow pose):
- Lie flat with your belly on the ground, feet six inches apart and chin on the floor.
- Now lift both your legs and bring your heels towards your buttocks.
- Take both your hands backwards and grasp your ankles.
- Inhale a deep breath and lift your head, chest and thighs simultaneously.
- Your arms and elbows should be straight in a line.
- When returning back to your original position, exhale.
- Repeat again.
This asana improves the functioning of your pancreas and intestines thus controlling your blood sugar level.
4. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose):
- Lie flat on your stomach with your feet together and toes pointing out.
- Place both your hands by the side of your shoulders and palms facing the ground.
- Now pressing both your palms lift up your torso off the floor.
- Stretch your arms as much as possible and extend your torso.
- Look upwards. Hold this position for a few breaths.
- Exhale and return back to your original position.
5. Shalabhasana (Grasshopper pose):
- Lie on the ground with your stomach keeping both feet together.
- Your hands should be lying by your side with palms facing downwards.
- Lift your chin and chest off the ground and look forwards.
- Now raise both your legs up from the ground. Your knees should not bend and your toes should be pointing outwards.
- Keep your breathing normal while in this pose.
- Hold it for a few seconds and then release.
- Repeat again.
6. Trikonasana (Triangle pose):
- Stand upright with your feet apart keeping your spine straight.
- Lift up both your arms to the height of your shoulder.
- Exhale and bend towards your right to touch the toes of your right leg with your right hand.
- Do the same with your left side too.
7. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand):
One of the top asanas advised for those with diabetes.
- Lie down flat with your back on the floor.
- Relax and breathe normally.
- Lift up your legs at a right angle and now slowly lift your torso entirely off the floor supporting on your elbows and shoulder blade. Before you lift your legs, exhale.
- After you have attained this posture, look towards your chest.
- Breathe normally now.
But if you are suffering from high blood pressure or any heart disease, avoid this asana.
8. Mandukasana (Frog pose):
- Sit in vajrasana or diamond pose.
- Now close both your palms in a fist.
- Exhale with full force.
- Press your abdomen with both your fists and bend forward.
- Stay for about 30 seconds. As you rise up inhale deeply.
- Repeat again.
Practise this asana regularly. Your insulin formation will increase that will gradually bring down your blood sugar level.
9. Mayurasana (Peacock pose):
This pose is quite difficult for beginners but if you will master this asana, pancreas is activated and more insulin is produced.
- Lie flat on your belly.
- Bend your elbows and keep both your hands on either side of your chest.
- Now pressing on your palms, lift up your entire body keeping it parallel to the ground.
- After a few seconds return to your original position.
10. Yoga Mudrasana (Yogic symbol pose):
- Sit in basic padmasana posture.
- Breathe normally for a few seconds and let your body to relax.
- Bring both your hands at the back and interlock them by holding the wrist of one hand with the other.
- Take a deep inhalation.
- Keeping your hands interlocked behind you, bend forward with an exhalation. Keep your spine elongated.
- Your forehead should touch the floor or as much close to it as possible.
- Now allow your body to relax by breathing normally. Remain for as long as comfortable.
- Then return back by inhaling.
- Repeat.
11. Supta Vajrasana (Reclining adamant pose):
- Sit in Vajrasana and keep your hands by your side on the ground with palms facing outwards.
- Now just bend backwards slowly till your waist, back and your head touch the ground.
- Don’t let your knees bend or come off the floor.
- Relax in this lying down position.
- When releasing from the pose, grasp your ankles and sit up.
Fighting diabetes no longer means you can’t enjoy your food! The different diabetes yoga asanas will certainly save the day for you.
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